Introducing Our SCH300 Surface-Mount OCXO
Esterline Research and Design unveils the SCH300, a compact and highly stable surface mount OCXO, designed to meet diverse frequency control needs with precision and efficiency.
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Our LGT 500 Series TCXOs offer ultra low G-Sensitivity as low as 0.005 ppb/g. The LGT 500 also integrates our patented M-SAC technology to achieve temperature stability unobtainable by other TCXO designs. To learn more, check out our product page.
As we close the books on our first year at Esterline Research & Design, I couldn't be happier. Happier about my decision to partner with the people I did, and the direction we are going. As the only partner of ER&D who's not an engineer, these are few personal observations I...