Our expert design team at Esterline Research and Design provides consulting services across a wide variety of subject matter. With over 70 years of combined engineering experience, our team delivers results for difficult problems that require unique, robust solutions with superior quality and reliability.
The following details some of our areas of expertise and examples of consultation services we provide in each arena:

Frequency Control

- Provide assistance for creation and evaluation of timebase / crystal oscillator specifications to ensure that the clients system has a signal source fit for purpose.
- Help clients create appropriate screening procedures for various time bases/oscillators.
- Deliver troubleshooting support to fix client system issues resulting from timebase / crystal oscillator defects: microjumps, poor phase noise, excessive Allan deviation/variance, temperature stability non-compliance, excessive aging, shock and vibration effects, etc.
- Create time base/crystal oscillator design for clients that wish to implement their own embeddable time base such as, XO, VCXO, TCXO, and OCXO’s

Test and Automation

- Design and provide customized testing solutions for client applications
- Design and implement environmental testing (temperature, aging, etc)
- Design production test fixtures and software for evaluation of electrical parameters such as waveform capture/analysis, power, current, voltage, temperature, frequency, etc.

RF Circuit Design/PCB Layout

- Provide RF circuit design for client applications such as crystal oscillators, Phase Locked Loops (PLL), multipliers, dividers, mixers, down converters, etc.
- Create PCB designs for the above RF applications to minimize noise and maximize isolation.

Ceramic Substrate/Package Design

- Create customized solutions for clients requiring ceramic substrates and/or multi-layer ceramic packages.
- Recommend appropriate ceramic material based on clients specific needs (alumina, aluminum nitride, etc)
- Design appropriate package (potted versus hermetic seal, surface mount versus pinned device, etc), based on applications environmental requirements (temp, humidly, shock/vibration, power dissipation)

Micro-Controller/Processor Applications

- Design Microcontroller and unique ancillary hardware circuitry.
- Create firmware/software design to provide automation and/or human interface.
- Utilize multi-core microcontrollers to create designs that perform more tasks in a smaller footprint

General Programming and Coding

- Provide programming services for custom applications in several languages: Visual Basic, Visual Basic.Net, C, C++, Spin.
- We also provide this service for legacy languages: Python, Fortran, HP Basic, etc.

Extensive Oscillator Experience

We have an extensive resume and knowledge base in the area of XO, VCXO, OCXO, TCXO, VCTXO, DOCXO, and our groundbreaking new M-SAC technology for the environmental compensation of oscillators.