Activity Dip Testing
Note: Prices shown above are budgetary and vary based on quantity, temperature range, and ramp rate. Please contact us for pricing inquiries.
Test Description:
Activity dips are a result of coupled modes inherent in the resonator that detrimentally affect the oscillator's desired frequency as a function of temperature. These coupled mode effects can be very narrow in temperature (existing over only a degree C) which means they can slip through manufacturer's testing process. These perturbations can often exceed the frequency versus temperature specification causing out of tolerance conditions resulting in system level problems. The frequency versus temperature slope of the activity dip can be very large which can be problematic for rate sensitive applications such as phase lock loops. Esterline Research and Design performs activity dip testing on virtually any electronic oscillator. Custom Test fixtures and test profiles can be created to support any customer footprint, and temperatures ranging from -60 C to +200 C.
Common Oscillator Types Tested:
XO (Crystal Oscillator)
VCXO (Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator)
TCXO (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator)
VCTCXO (Voltage Controlled Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator)
TCVCXO (Temperature Compensated Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator)
OCXO (Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator)
VCOCXO (Voltage Controlled Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator)
DOCXO (Double Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator)
MEMS Oscillator (Microelectromechanical System Oscillator)
Common Temperature Ranges:
0 to +50 °C
-20 to +70 °C
-30 to +85 °C
-40 to +85 °C
-55 to +105 °C
-55 to +125 °C