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  • NPA: H380 100MHz OCXOs
    February 19, 2024

    NPA: H380 100MHz OCXOs

    New Product Release: H380 100MHz OCXO We are pleased to announce the availability of our latest product, the H380 100MHz OCXO. Designed to meet the needs of a wide range of RF applications, the H380 provides a reliable and stable...

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  • LGT500 Ultra-Low-G TCXOs -- Available Now
    August 17, 2022

    LGT500 Ultra-Low-G TCXOs -- Available Now

          Our LGT 500 Series TCXOs offer ultra low G-Sensitivity as low as 0.005 ppb/g. The LGT 500 also integrates our patented M-SAC technology to achieve temperature stability unobtainable by other TCXO designs. To learn more, check out...

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  • NPA: LGT300 Ultra-Low G-Sensitivity TCXO
    February 3, 2020

    NPA: LGT300 Ultra-Low G-Sensitivity TCXO

    NPA: LGT300 Ultra-Low G-Sensitivity TCXO Esterline Research and Design is pleased to announce the release of a new Ultra-Low-G product family.  By incorporating our patented MSAC compensation architecture as an additional layer of precise compensation applied to a ultra-low acceleration sensitivity...

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